Mesa de centro Lebane / Lebane coffee table
Precio habitual $ 19,500.00
Set de mesa de centro:
Mesa hecha de madera con termiando en concreto pulido
Medida: 70 x 40 cm (diámetro - alto)
Herrería con cubierta de granito
Medida: 70 x 45 cm (diámetro - alto)
Coffee table set:
Table made of wood with concret finish
Measurement: 70 x 40 cm (diameter - height)
Table made of ironwork and granite top
Measurement: 70 x 45 cm (diameter - height)
Tiempo de entrega: 60 días.
(Comuniquese con un ejecutivo para verificar disponibilidad de Stock para entrega inmediata) -
Delivery time: 60 days.
(Contact an executive to check stock availability for immediate delivery)
¿Quieres cotizarlo en otra medida o acabado? Mandanos un correo con tu número y nos comunicaremos para atenderte.
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Do you want an estimate in another measurement or finish? Please send us an email with your contact information so we may assist you.
Do you want an estimate in another measurement or finish? Please send us an email with your contact information so we may assist you.